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Francis Hayes, The Excel Addict, can help you increase productivity with your Microsoft Excel spreadsheets

Let Me Introduce Myself And Explain How I Can Help You

Hi, my name is Francis Hayes (a.k.a The Excel Addict) and I believe you and I have something in common.

Both of us are big fans of Microsoft Excel

As a matter of fact, I'm addicted to it!

How about you?

If you enjoy working with Microsoft Excel as much as I do, then you are really going to love the information that I have to share with you.

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I've been a heavy user of Microsoft Excel for more than 20 years. In those 20+ years I have discovered what an amazing and underutilized program Excel is.

I've discovered that most users are unaware of the amazing power that is hiding just beneath Excel's surface - power that can make a huge difference to anyone who frequently uses spreadsheets.

Imagine if you could cut in half the time it takes you to create or update your spreadsheets.

Over the years I've helped many people boost their productivity significantly by sharing with them my knowledge of Excel's not so obvious and most powerful capabilities.

We've seen tasks that once took hours to complete been reduced down to minutes, and those that once took minutes can be done in seconds.

It's amazing what a huge difference learning
just a few shortcuts can make!

Do you realize it's possible to save hundreds of hours each year and boost you productivity by learning shortcuts for just a few of your most frequently used tasks in Excel?

It drives me nuts to see people doing things the long, hard way when I know there is an easier, faster way.

That's why, over the past nineteen years, I've shared my knowledge with many of my friends and associates and helped them become more productive and efficient in creating and updating their Excel spreadsheets.

Now, I'm using the power of the Internet to share my knowledge with you with the hope that I can help you find as much enjoyment and satisfaction out of working with Excel spreadsheets as I have.

Maybe you too will become an
Excel Addict

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Excel Tips

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Cell, Heading, Calculate, Custom, Document, Visible, Dates, Days, Column, Through, IF, Number, Headers, Formatting, Create, Page Break, Wildcard, Secret, Multiple, Widths, Paste, Reports, AutoFilter, Dollars, Preview, Blank Rows, Titles, Numeric, Insert, Highlight, Round, Dragging, Messages, Print, Footers, Preventing, Autoshapes, Information, Keyboard, Headings, Errors, Tabbing, Display, Window, Week, Worksheets, Warning, Sheet, Easily, Find, View, Learn, Input, Zeros, Prevent, Entries, Editing, Formulas, Blank Cells, Day, Format, Protect, Delete, Copy, Months, Columns, Fractions, Time, Selected, Formula, AutoFit, Hiding, Smarter, Worksheet, Subtotals, Date, Page, Vertical, Proper Case, Upper Case, Cells, Report, Nearest, Ranges, Long, Rows, Combine, Symbols, Password, List, Named, Excel, Cents, Fast, Comments, Picture, Totals, Creating, Rotate, Decimals, Convert, Function, Range, Workbook, Cumulative, Pasting, Replace, Change, Lower, Text, Lines, Numbers, Values, Lower Case, Center, Excel's, Characters, Email, Disable, Time Stamp, Duplicate, Hyperlink, Years
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8 Lexington Place, Conception Bay South, NL Canada A1X 6A2
Phone 709-834-4630